Thursday, December 13, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 8:15 AM

Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro is a profession type of page flip software to convert your PDF files to page-turning digital publications. The powerful page editing functions allows you to embed videos, images, audio, hyperlinks, hotspots and more multimedia objects to the output flipping pages. Creating multimedia page flipping books makes so easy with this flip page software!

Professional PDF page flip software
Kvisoft Flipbook Maker Pro provides you an professional way to integrate hyperlinks, videos, images, sounds, clipcart and more multimeida objects to your output flipping page books. A nice program to make digital publications.

Brand new Interface, more easy-to-use
The new-designed Flipbook Maker makes it more intuitive for users. Once opening the page flip software, you will see four main buttons: Add File, Edit Page, Design and Publish. Well, the flipping book creation work is so easy within only four steps.

Import multiple type files
Besides importing PDF files to flipbook, you also can import Flash movies (.flv, f4v, mp4 and .swf), images (.jpg, .png, .bmp, .jpeg, gif) as flipping book pages. So, it would be a nice application to make photo flipping books and video flipping books.

Integrate Multimedia objects to PDF pages
Adding multimedia to your PDF pages is very simple. You can add text, hyperlinks, video (YouTube video included), Flash movie, images, hotspot, clipart, and sound to output PDF flipping pages and enrich your output PDF flipping book. It would be a good tool to enhance the PDF reading experience.

Customize flipbook templates
Flipbook Maker provides you a lot of useful pre-set templates for you to quickly make attractive flipping books. Moreover, you can design your own custom style themes with built-in setting functions: navigation bar setting, button settings, thumbnail style, preloader settings, background image and music, and other powerful settings.

SEO Friendly
All texts from PDF would be indexed by search engines after converting it to Flash flip book. The page flipping books are SEO friendly. You also can do in-page SEO optimization work (define page title and meta data) for web and everyone can find your publications through the internet.

Google Analytics Integration
Extend the power of Google Analytics in your publications. By inputting your Google Analytics account ID in the publishing flip book, you can monitor and analyze the traffic of your online flipping book with ease in your Google Analytics account live. Nice way to increase your marketing effectiveness using Google Analytics within the publications.

Social networks sharing
The Flash flipping books created from PDF via Flipbook Maker pro provide the proper means of integration with popular social network sites. Viewers can share the flipping book to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg and more sites or E-mail or copy it to others.

Flexible publishing options
Kvisoft PDF flip page software enables you to publish PDF files to multiple file formats.
Convert it to flipping book as stand-alone EXE for CD delivery
Publish it to HTML format for Website use
Produce ZIP package and email it to your customers

Home Page:

Kvisoft Flip Book Maker Pro | 31 Mb
1.Run setup file
2.Copy & paste key when prompt [disable your internet]
3.Run from Desktop shortcut
Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 7:56 AM
CCleaner is the number-one tool for cleaning your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.

More information:
CCleaner Preview

Cleans all areas of your Computer

Internet Explorer Internet Explorer
Temporary files, history, cookies, Autocomplete form history, index.dat.
Firefox Firefox
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
Google Chrome Google Chrome
Temporary files, history, cookies, download history, form history.
Opera Opera
Temporary files, history, cookies.
Apple Safari Safari
Temporary files, history, cookies, form history.
Windows Windows
Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
Registry Registry Cleaner
Advanced features to remove unused and old registry entries.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 8:11 AM

 File size: 27,9MB
TeraCopy is a compact program designed to copy and move files at the maximum possible speed, providing the user a lot of features:

  • Copy files faster. TeraCopy uses dynamically adjusted buffers to reduce seek times. Asynchronous copy speeds up file transfer between two physical hard drives.
  • Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
  • Error recovery. In case of copy error, TeraCopy will try several times and in the worse case just skips the file, not terminating the entire transfer.
  • Interactive file list. TeraCopy shows failed file transfers and lets you fix the problem and recopy only problem files.
  • Shell integration. TeraCopy can completely replace Explorer copy and move functions, allowing you work with files as usual.
  • Full Unicode support. 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 12:25 PM
Modul praktikum ini hanya untuk kalangan terbatas saja, bagi yang sudah tahu passwordnya silakan download melalui link berikut:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 10:48 AM

Untuk kelas C:
Silakan download 2 file berikut, 1 file PDF berisi panduan dan 1 file Excel yang merupakan templatenya.
  1. PDF 
  2. Worksheet Excel 
Waktu pengerjaan 2 minggu, pengumpulan 22 November 2012 via email, subject: excel2012, nama file:ExcelC-NIM1-NIM2-NIM3

Untuk kelas D:
Silakan download 2 file berikut, 1 file PDF berisi panduan dan 1 file Excel yang merupakan templatenya.
  1. PDF 
  2. Worksheet Excel 
Waktu pengerjaan 2 minggu, pengumpulan 23 November 2012 via email, subject: excel2012, nama file:ExcelD-NIM1-NIM2-NIM3

Untuk kelas B:
Silakan download file (klik di sini.)
Waktu pengerjaan 2 minggu, pengumpulan 26 November 2012 via email, subject: excel2012, nama file:ExcelB-NIM1-NIM2-NIM3
REVISI soal untuk kelas B: klik di sini

Untuk kelas A:
Silakan download file di link berikut,
Waktu pengerjaan 2 minggu, pengumpulan 28 November 2012 via email, subject: excel2012, nama file:ExcelA-NIM1-NIM2-NIM3
REVISI soal untuk kelas A: klik di sini

Revisi tambahan untuk kelas A dan B:
pada point 23 tentang Daya Serap Siswa, silakan diganti menjadi Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Klasikal dengan rumus (Jumlah siswa yang tuntas/Jumlah siswa yang ikut ulangan atau ujian), kemudian hasilnya silakan diubah ke bentuk persentase dan sertakan juga simbol persen.Misal:
Jumlah siswa yang tuntas = 39
Jumlah siswa yang ikut ulangan = 40
maka, hasil yang keluar pada kolom tsb pada baris Ketuntasan Belajar Siswa Klasikal = 97,50%

Point 21, 22, 23 dan 24 untuk mengisi kolom-kolom kecuali (A) 60% dan (B) 40%.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 8:49 AM
Bagi mahasiswa peserta perkuliahan Praktikum Pengantar Komputer 2012, saya ucapkan terima kasih untuk tugas yang sudah kalian kirimkan ke email saya. Kemudian sebagai tugas lanjutan silakan kalian download 2 file berikut, file ke-1 merupakan penjelasan tugas dan file ke-2 adalah modul kegiatan untuk tugas kalian. Passwordnya sudah saya sertakan di email kalian. Terimakasih.

Untuk download, silakan klik link berikut:
File 1:
File 2:

Masukkan passwordnya kemudian pilih unlock file, kemudian pilih button DOWNLOAD warna hijau.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
3 comments | 9:18 AM
Khusus bagi mahasiswa PMat!!

Bagi kalian yang sudah mengirimkan tugas pribadinya via email, kalian bisa download tugas kawan 1 kelompok kalian di sini.

Setelah kalian download file yang kalian perlukan, tugas kalian adalah:
1. Silakan buat semua sub materi tersebut dalam 1 materi utuh
2. Buat dengan urutan halaman Cover, Daftar Isi, Materi, Evaluasi, dan Daftar Pustaka (lihat contoh)
3. Pada cover silakan berikan nama&NIM kalian di paling atas, sedangkan anggota kelompok di bawahnya
4. Sertakan juga dengan Nilai kalian terhadap perorangan teman sekelompok dengan rentang 0 - 100. (aspek penilaian dillihat dari segi teknis dan isi materi)
5. Wajib ada selain materi-contoh soal-evaluasi:
    cover, daftar isi, penomoran halaman kiri kanan, daftar pustaka
6. Pengiriman tugas via email, dengan subject: WORD-kelasA/B/C/D-NIM, dengan nama file WORD-kelasA/B/C/D-NIM-kelompok?.docx (?=diganti dengan nomor kelompok, docx format wajib word 2007, bukan word 2003 lagi)

Info selengkapnya pada pertemuan praktikum minggu ke-6 ini.

Pembagian kelompok:

Anggota Kelompok
Bilangan bulat
011-015 & 017
Bentuk aljabar
Persamaan dan Pertidaksamaan Linear Satu Variabel
Aritmetika Sosial
Perbandingan (Rasio)
Sudut dan garis
Bangun datar
Operasi Aljabar
Relasi, fungsi dan grafik fungsi
Persamaan garis lurus
Sistem persamaan linear dua variabel
Teorema Pythagoras dan garis-garis pada segitiga
072 &073
074 &075
Garis singgung lingkaran
Kubus dan balok
081 & 088
Prisma dan Limas
089  & 090
Bangun ruang sisi lengkung
094 & 095
096 &097
098 & 099
Pangkat dan akar
Pola bilangan
103 & 104
105 & 106
Persamaan Kuadrat

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 11:00 AM
Punya tugas yang harus dikumpul dalam  format PDF? Apa sih itu PDF? PDF tak lain tak bukan adalah suatu singkatan istilah dari Portable Document Format. Namanya saja sudah dokumen portabel,  jika dokumen yang kamu miliki ini nantinya berpindah-pindah komputer tidak akan terjadi yang namanya ganti format, font, letak gambar dan sebagainya. File PDF ini bisa diakses dengan aplikasi PDF reader, ada banyak macam softwarenya seperti Adobe PDF Reader, Foxit reader, NitroPDF, dsb. Setiap software memiliki kekurangan dan kelebihannya masing-masing. Untuk saat ini yang akan kita bahas adalah software NITRO PDF PROFESIONAL.

Pertama, jika file yang akan kita ubah ke dalam format PDF adalah file dari Microsoft Office Word, contohnya di sini saya pakai Word 2010, maka langkahnya adalah buka file docx anda dulu, kemudian masuk menu FILE >> Save & Send >> Create PDF/XPS Document >> Create PDF/XPS dan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
Jadi tuh file PDF yang asalnya dari dokumen DOCX anda

Kedua, bagaimana jika filenya lebih dari satu padahal dosen minta dijadikan dalam 1 file PDF saja? Tak perlu bingung maupun resah apalagi galau. Kalian bisa gunakan NITRO PDF, tidak punya? Kalian bisa download NITRO PDF PROFESIONAL terlebih dulu, klik di sini (link mediafire).
Trus kalo sudah? kalo sudah diinstal silakan mau dibiarkan jadi trial atau mau dibuat jadi full juga bisa, semua terserah anda. 

Setelah kita berbekal NITRO PDF PROFESIONAL ini, caranya adalah:

 buka aplikasi NitroPDF

 pilih file-file PDF yang akan digabungkan

perhatikan urutan file, gunakan MoveUp dan MoveDown
untuk memindahkan letak urutan file

simpan di folder yang anda tuju
 hasilnya semua file PDF jadi satu file yang halamnanya saling berkelanjutan

Mudah bukan? Masih ada kesulitan? Silakan tulis di comment.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
No comments | 7:53 AM
Tinggal klik cover majalah berikut Anda akan langsung dibawa menuju link download mediafire, silakan nikmati majalah Android ini dalam versi PDF. Just click the cover & you'll got the link!

 Android Magazine UK

Android Magazine UK

T3 volume 1

T3 volume 2 

Friday, August 24, 2012

Posted by FX. Made Setianto
3 comments | 10:02 AM


Drawing Tablet HD PRO v2 3-AnDrOiD
Document Scanner v2 8 2-AnDrOiD
CalenGoo v1 0 66-AnDrOiD
Angry Birds Rio (Ad-Free) v1 4 2-AnDrOiD
DeadSpace 1 1 35-Game
Anomaly Warzone Earth HD 1 0 7 -Game
Destroy Gunners SP - ICEBURN!! v2 0 0
Great Little War Game - All Out War v1 0
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I v1 0 0 -Android Game
WiFi Manager Premium v2 1 7-AnDrOiD
Torque Pro (OBD2 & Car) v1 5 38 -AnDrOiD
StarMoney v1 10 0 -AnDrOiD
Pure Calendar widget (agenda) v2 8 6 -AnDrOiD
Kaiten Email v1 212 -AnDrOiD
Equalizer v3 1 1 (Unlocked) -AnDrOiD
DJ Studio 3 FULL v3 2 7-AnDrOiD
Drawing Tablet HD PRO v2 3-AnDrOiD
Bringing you Goodies for your Android Phone And Tablet.
Requirements: Android O/S : 2.2+
Fantastic Drawing application for all HD devices !
Drawing Tablet HD PRO is an intelligent software to maximize the drawing ability of android tablets and smartphones.
Contains 4 drawing modes:
Finger Paint: Draw with your finger using different types of pencils and paint effects.
Drawing Art: Draw with more than 500 backgrounds and HD cliparts with fantastic effects.
Fx: create your own special effects combining all types of particles, colors and animations.
Physics Engine: build your own game using different solid balls and animated objects with real physical behavior.

Document Scanner v2 8 2-AnDrOiD
Bringing you Goodies for your Android Phone And Tablet.
Document Scanner v2.8.2
Requirements: Android OS 1.5 +
Scan docs,convert to PDF. Email/upload to GDocs/Dropbox/Evernote to share/store.
Scan documents and receipts with your phone camera, convert them to PDF. It is a portable scanner for your Droid.
*OCR Option through GDocs/Evernote
*create folders
*no page limit
*scan and add pages later to an existing folder
*insert existing gallery image
*compression and page size options
*reorder pages
*quick one-page option to take a picture and upload as PDF with a single click
*Correct perspective and crop your captured image. The app detects the four corners automatically and gives you an opportunity to modify it
*Enhance image and convert to gray scale (or black/white) as desired

What's in this version:
2.8-2.8.2: Significantly improved black/white conversion

CalenGoo v1 0 66-AnDrOiD
CalenGoo v1.0.66
Requirements: Android OS 1.6+
CalenGoo is a calendar app that can sync with Android calendar and Google Calendar.
It is designed to make it easier and faster to work with your calendar on your phone. Five different calendar views (day, week, month, agenda, landscape day) give you a good overview over your upcoming events. To make rescheduling events easy, they can be moved or copied via drag&drop in the day, week, month and landscape day view.
Additional features:
- Drag&Drop support to move, copy, open and delete events
- Widgets to see your events on your home screen without opening the app: day widget (4x1), month widget (4x3, 4x4) and agenda widget (2x2, 2x3, 4x3). In the month 4x4 widget you can tap a single day to directly open it.
- Zoomable month view
- Configurable startup view (day, view, month, agenda)
- When adding recurring events you can use the same rules that you can use in Google Calendar, e.g. you can create events "on Monday and Thursday every two weeks" or "every last Friday in a month".
- Direct sync with Google Calendar option e.g. to download all historical data and to be able to assign icons to events
- Improved date picker that displays a whole month to choose a date
- Search function
- Customizable hardware buttons (e.g. you can assign the "Today" function to the "back" button)
- Sync with Google Tasks
- Many configuration options to change the way the app looks and works.
- Repeatable, snooze-able reminders using a custom sound (e.g. an MP3 file from your phone) or one of the built-in sounds.
What's in this version:
Added support for floating events (under "Settings", "Display and Use", "General", "Floating events" if "Completable events" is checked)

Angry Birds Rio (Ad-Free) v1 4 2-AnDrOiD
Angry Birds Rio (Ad-Free) v1.4.2
Requirements: Android 1.6+
What happens when everybody's favorite fierce fowl get caged and shipped to Rio? They get very angry!
In Angry Birds Rio, the original Angry Birds are kidnapped and taken to the magical city of Rio de Janeiro, where they eventually escape their captors and set out to save their friends, Blu and Jewel--two rare macaws and the stars of the Fox motion picture, Rio. Angry Birds Rio pairs the physics-based gameplay of the original game with unique twists based on the film.
Angry Birds Rio Features:
Four fantastic episodes with 120 exciting levels
Completely new achievements
Special hidden fruit trophies to discover
Spectacular boss fights--the ultimate test of your Angry Birds skills
Expect plenty more to come: episodic updates continue throughout 2011
A New Reason for Revenge
Now, after an all-too-brief period of peace, a new mission is unveiled. Kidnapped, caged, and whisked away to a foreign land by animal smugglers, the Angry Birds escape the clutches of their bungling captors--but they soon discover a deeper purpose.
Slews of rare and endangered birds are being held captive in Rio de Janeiro, and it's up to the Angry Birds to rescue their winged friends by cracking open their cages and setting them free.
20th Century Fox and Rovio have united feathery forces, joining the heroes of Angry Birds with the stars and storyline of Rio. Take off in a flurry of exciting gameplay and challenges as you escape the smugglers, smash through their hideouts, and embark on the biggest Angry Birds adventure yet!
Lend a Helping Wing
To save Blu and Jewel from the smugglers, the Angry Birds will need courage, selfless heroism, and one enormous slingshot. Slide your finger on the screen and let go to pull back and fling your avian friends. Tap the screen mid-flight to unleash each bird's special ability. Pinch to zoom in and out of the environments and drag your finger to view different parts of each stage and plan the trajectory of each bird.
Boom Goes the Dynamite
Like previous installments, Angry Birds Rio is a physics-based puzzle game. Use the birds and their powers to most efficiently break through piles of different destructible objects. Crates, boards, stone, glass, TNT, and other materials are no match for an accurate shot with the right bird. Chuck the Angry Birds at locked cages to break them open and set rare birds free. As you progress in the game, you'll also need to demolish the jungle hideouts of the smugglers' monkey minions. Learn the strengths and abilities of each bird, and the behavior of the materials you'll launch them against, to trigger chain reactions and achieve three stars in every level.
South America Blooms
From the dim and cluttered warehouse of the Smugglers' Den to a rainforest-ringed clearing backed by snow-capped mountains, layers of dynamic scenery provide a sense of depth and movement unlike any other Angry Birds game. Against these evocative backdrops, the game's feathery conflicts reveal deeper, more nuanced character behaviors: rare birds fly free from their crushed cages, fidgeting monkeys try to hold on to their crumbling hideouts, and much more.
The sound design perfectly captures Brazil's urban and rural landscapes. Rio de Janeiro's seedy side comes alive with clinking chains, creaking boards, cries of captured birds, and the murmur of cars rolling by the Smugglers' Den. In the jungle, monkeys chatter and screech while the calls of birds, frogs, and insects fill the air as you line up your shots. The game's distinctive theme also comes with a Brazilian-infused twist: the Angry Birds Rio Samba. Together, the sounds and music of Angry Birds Rio will have you dancing in your seat as you slingshot your way to free Blu, Jewel, and their friends.
What's new in version 1.4.2
Fifteen challenging new levels will test your puzzle skills
Thrilling boss fight will have you on the edge of your seat
Search out all the hidden fruit and earn special awards
The amazing expandable Orange Bird joins the party

DeadSpace 1 1 35-Game
Anomaly Warzone Earth HD 1 0 7 -Game
Destroy Gunners SP - ICEBURN!! v2 0 0
Tested on SGS II Epic Touch 4g.
DGunsSP brought out the limitation of the performance of the newest smartphones.
Add the new mode! Add story events!
This new title is 3D action shooting game that the player operates realistic armed robot intuitively by touch panel control.
"Destroy Gunners SP ICEBURN!!"
From "Destroy Gunners SP" of delivery in high popularity, Significantly enhanced new title has been released as the second sequel!
・Battle scene has been changed into totally new maps and original stages of cold area!
・Missions and components of arms are doubled from previous title!
・If you have previous title"Destroy Gunners SP",you can play additional special mission!
To accomplish missions, the player acquires new arms and mecha with destroying numerous enemies and huge bosses.
The player can customizes player's mecha(armed destroyer) to reinforce the mecha repeatedly and challenge more higher,severe missions!
This title supports community functions of score ranking and achievement by"OpenFeint".
The player can contest score and skill with players whole over the world.
"Every moving objects on this freezing ground are enemy. Destroy all of them."
・required OS: over Android 2.2(2.3recommended)

Great Little War Game - All Out War v1 0
Tested on SGS II Epic Touch 4g.
Great Little War Game - All Out War v1.0
Invade your neighbours, spread mayhem and destruction, drink a little tea!
All Out War is another exciting episode of the critically acclaimed 3D turn-based strategy game "Great Little War Game". Retaining the in-depth gameplay, humour, comical style and graphical excellence of the original game.
Warning:These levels are fiendishly challenging! Players new to the game may be better off playing the early levels in Great Little War Game first!
Core Features:
❋ Campaign mode
❋ Four difficulty settings
❋ Lush visuals
❋ Full 3D terrain affects gameplay
❋ Simple control method
❋ Lots of units
❋ Lots of terrain types
❋ High replayability
❋ Tons of humour
Take control of numerous different military units over air, sea and land to pulverise the enemy into submission. There are 2 new campaigns to test yourself against "All Out War" and "Holiday From Hell", both of which will push you and your men to the limit (and possibly give Generalissimo a nice quiet holiday).
You have to battle through desert, jungle, temperate and Arctic conditions to keep your general safe, which is no mean feat given where he likes to take a holiday...
So take control of your men, lead them to a glorious victory and then maybe sit down and have a cup of tea.

Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Episode I v1 0 0 -Android Game
Requires ~50MB Wifi Download
Tested on SGS II Epic Touch 4g
Sonic 4™ Episode I v1.0.0
Requires 2.1 or higher
The sequel fans have waited 16 years for is finally here - Sonic The Hedgehog™ 4 Episode I!
Featuring enhanced gameplay elements, including the classic Sonic Spin Dash, and the versatile Homing Attack, Sonic 4 picks up right where Sonic and Knuckles™ left off.
Two exclusive levels build specifically for smartphones using the accelerometer.
All of Sonic's classic moves are available, including the newer Homing Attack which will add a new level of control and excitement.
Race through 4 unique zones containing 4 acts each as well as 7 special stages.
A staple of the Genesis-era games, the special stages return allowing fans to collect the 7 Chaos Emeralds and unlock Super Sonic.
Dr. Eggman returns with new and improved mechas and will go berserk when he accumulates damage.

WiFi Manager Premium v2 1 7-AnDrOiD
WiFi Manager Premium v2.1.7
Requirements: for all Android versions
Find, connect, manage WiFi networks. Improve connection quality with a graphical channel radar. Discover open networks around you.
Includes two home screen widgets: one displays detailed connection info, the other lets you switch among your favorite networks with a single tap.
New and improved:
• Better graphics, including a dark color theme;
• Assign your own descriptions and icons to individual WiFi networks - never forget what that "XYZ1234" network is;
• Switch among your favorite networks with a single tap by using the WiFi Network Switcher widget. It will even enable WiFi if needed.
• Automatic switching between fixed and dynamic (DHCP) IP addresses (Android Settings can't do this);
• Still there - support for tablets in landscape mode.
What's in this version:
Added Slovak translation.
Added a workaround for an Android Market / Checkout issue.
Note: Enabled premium functions.
These features are: advanced per-network options (desciption, icon, IP address) and the one-tap network widget.
All the other - essential - features are free: the black widget with detailed connection info (both sizes), scanning and connecting to networks, the network list view, the network signal radar.

Torque Pro (OBD2 & Car) v1 5 38 -AnDrOiD
Torque Pro (OBD2 & Car) v1.5.38
Requirements: for all Android versions, supports App2SD
See what your car is doing in realtime, get fault codes, car performance, sensor data and more!
Torque is a vehicle / car performance / diagnostics tool that uses an OBD II Bluetooth adapter to connect to your OBD2 engine management / ECU.
It can use the GPS to provide tracker logs with engine logging so you can see what you were doing at any point in time
It can also show and reset a DTC / fault code like a scantool.
It also has:
* Dyno / Dynomometer and Horsepower/HP & Torque
* 0-60 timings - more accurate than just using plain old GPS - see how fast your car is (or truck )
* Customisable dashboards
* Video your journey using the Track Recorder plugin with onscreen OBD data overlay - a black box for you car/truck!
* Send GPS tagged tweets directly to twitter (for example if you are going on a roadtrip)
* Massive fault code database for allowing lookup of fault codes from many different manufacturers
* Theme support (choose from different themes to change the look of your dashboard)
* Send logging information to web or email CSV/KML for analysis via excel / openoffice
* Heads up display / HUD mode for night time driving
* GPS Speedometer/Tracking and realtime web upload capability - see what you were doing and your engine, at a point in time
* Turbo boost feature for vehicles that support MAP sensors
* Alarms and warnings (for example if your coolant temperature goes over 120C whilst driving) with voice/speech overlay
* AIDL API for connecting third party apps, A simple Telnet interface for developers to talk to the adapter, and an OBD scanner.
* Works on tablet devices like the Motorola Xoom, Dell Streak, and Samsung Galaxy Tab
What's in this version:
Tip: Speed sensors up by enabling 'Faster Comms' in the settings!-
MPG Units fix - You may need to update the adjustment factor
Baud Rate selector for USB
Realtime Web viewer
Mode 06 updates
Please note*Any reports of hanging or reboots after quitting the app, then you'll need to enable the bluetooth bug 'workaround' in the General Preferences inside the app, this should workaround the hanging. Otherwise check for other bluetooth enabled apps and disable them, one may be conflicting!

StarMoney v1 10 0 -AnDrOiD
StarMoney v1.10.0
Requirements: Android 2.1 and up
Do your banking on your Android mobile phone. Simple, safe and especially comfortable. With the StarMoney app you have your finances in a number of German banks and savings at any time and any place under control. Check with the bank code request before purchase whether your bank is supported:
? Extensive account management with total payments ?
? Check account status (individual and overall balance)
? Sales Show (also earmarked revenues)
? single, forward, back and SEPA transfers run *
? standing orders *
? make transfers *
? Manage Templates
? In German, English or Turkish (depending on system settings of the app)
* Supported TAN procedure: iTAN, chipTAN manually chipTAN comfort (optical), SmartTAN +, sm @ rtTAN optic, one-step procedure, TAN-generator, SecureTAN, smsTAN, mTAN.
? Several banks and savings banks in an app ?
You can set the app StarMoney as many accounts at several German banks. Your account must be activated for online banking using HBCI PIN / TAN and FinTS with PIN / TAN.
Are not supported for example The following banks: Commerzbank 1822direkt, norisbank, TARGOBANK, BMW Bank, Volkswagen Bank, Santander Bank, Bank of Scotland and others.
Depending on the institution, the following account types are established:
? current accounts
? fixed deposit accounts
? money market accounts
? savings accounts
? LBS building society accounts
? loan accounts
? depots
? Credit card transactions at banks (DKB-no credit card)

Pure Calendar widget (agenda) v2 8 6 -AnDrOiD
Pure Calendar widget (agenda) v2.8.6
Requirements: Android OS 1.5+
THE Android widget for agenda and tasks !!! Widget for Agenda / Tasks / TODO
- Synced with Google calendars
- Show calendars from Google, TouchDown & Moto/LG Exchange
- Show tasks from Astrid / CalenGoo / gTasks / Got To Do / TouchDown
- Can add bi-weekly / bi-monthly events (or more complex)
- Multiples skins and widgets sizes to make a fancy widget
- Scrollable widget with most alternative launchers like ADW, Zeam Launcher, Go Launcher or LauncherPro
What's in this version:
FIX major issue with birthday management
NEW get birthdays from Contact book ! (may not work on all devices)
FIX bullets with more than 6 events in a day
IMPROVE automatic widget sizes and enable them (for tablets or large devices)
IMPROVE widget config

Kaiten Email v1 212 -AnDrOiD
Kaiten Email v1.212
Requirements: Android 1.5+
Kaiten is an excellent email client for Android phones and tablets.
Kaiten Mail is an advanced email client for Android.
Based on the award-winning K-9, Kaiten has been completely redesigned to look gorgeous on your tablet.
(It looks pretty snazzy on your phone too.)
Kaiten supports IMAP Push, POP3, Exchange 2003/2007 (with WebDAV).
Kaiten supports multi-folder sync, flagging, filing, signatures, bcc-self, PGP, mail on SD,
multiple identities, search, configurable notifications & more!
Built by K-9's lead developer, Kaiten is simpler, easier to work with and a whole lot prettier.
Frequently used commands are now available in the application's action bar.
If you have the screen real-estate, Kaiten's split-screen view lets you see a mailbox and individual messages side-by-side.
What's in this version:
-Several fixes for message composition

Equalizer v3 1 1 (Unlocked) -AnDrOiD
Equalizer v3.1.1 [Unlocked]
Requirements: Android version 2.3 +
Equalizer app and widget to control your sound effect levels on your phone. Improve your phone/tablet's sound quality with the first true Equalizer app and home-screen widget!
Equalizer lets you adjust sound effect levels so that you get the best out of your Music or Audio coming out of your phone. Apply Equalizer Presets based on Music Genre, or quickly create your own custom preset with the 5 band Equalizer controller. Additional Audio Effects supported include: Bass Booster, Virtualizer and Reverb Presets.
* Requires Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Custom ROMs may not work due to issues with the ROM. Keep in mind custom gingerbread ROMs are infant, and give the ROM developers some time to integrate in the new APIs. If your ROM works please post so that others know. If you have issues, please contact us and let us know what ROM you are using.
? 11 Stock Presets
? Preset auto-detection (See list of supported players below)
? 5 Band-level Equalizer Controller
? Audio sampler to test your Equalizer settings
? Bass Booster
? Virtualizer
? Reverb Presets
? Integrates with stock Android Music player
? Works with streaming music like Pandora, Spotify, etc.
? Power Mode options to enable/disable effects
? Beautiful 4x1 Equalizer widget for your home-screen
? Notification shortcut available for quick access
? No root required
Full features include: (Requires purchasing Unlock key)
? Save Custom Presets
? Delete, Edit, Rename Presets
? Create Home-screen shortcut for Presets
? Backup and Restore Presets from SD card
Stock presets include:
? Normal
? Classical
? Dance
? Flat
? Folk
? Heavy Metal
? Hip Hop
? Jazz
? Pop
? Rock
? Latin (New)
The preset auto-detection feature does not work with all third-party music players; however, we will keep adding support to new players based on popular demand. The list of known supported Music players includes:
* Android Music Player
* HTC Music Player
* Samsung Music Player
* Winamp
* PlayerPro
* RealPlayer
* myTouch 4G Music Player
* Meridian Player
* RockOn
* doubleTwist Player
* 3 (cubed)
* PowerAMP
* Zimly
* bTunes
* Vanilla Music Player
* Rhapsody Player
* MixZing
* Just Playlists
* Archos Music Player
* More to come...
Note: Please make sure to read the "Helpful tips" when you first install the application.
Known Issues:
* CM7 - All CM7 issues have been resolved, make sure you are running CM 7.0.2 or later. Early versions may still give you issues.
* Buglessbeast - This firmware mod does not seem to have proper support for the new Equalizer APIs at this time
* Sony Xperia Arc Media Player - Sony's Media Player force closes. This is a bug in Sony's app, we tried to workaround it but cannot. We contacted the developers about the issue. Until it is resolved we recommend you use a different media player.
* Amazon MP3 - Amazon's MP3 player force closes when you play a song. Amazon has the same bug in their app as the Sony app. We contacted the developers about the issue. Until it is resolved we recommend you use a different media player.
* HTC Desire HD / HTC EVO - People have reported intermittent issues with the stock gingerbread firmware on this device. Users who have replaced their firmware with the CyanogenMod ROM no longer have issues. We have worked around the issues to make it more robust. Force closes should be gone, background service still gets killed every now and then though, but it should start back up cleanly now.
Recent changes:
- Localized to French, German and Swedish
This version is patched, active Equalizer with its full functionality. Added functionality that is not part of the free version:
? Save Custom Presets
? Delete, Edit, Rename Presets
? Create Home-screen shortcut for Presets
? Backup and Restore Presets from SD card
Recent changes:
? Added by popular demand:
Please note, INTERNET_PERMISSION required only for new downloading skins feature.
Equalizer now supports downloading of widget skins! To download more skins, press your [menu] button and select "Download Skins" from the menu options.
Equalizer now supports transparent background on all widget skins.
To change your skin, simply add a new widget to your home-screen and select the widget and transparency option.

DJ Studio 3 FULL v3 2 7-AnDrOiD
DJ Studio 3 FULL v3.2.7
Requirements: Android OS 2.2+
Throw a tune on the deck, mix it or start scratching while on the go!
DJStudio is a powerful DJ application which enables you to scratch, loop or pitch your songs in the palm of your hand with your smartphone or your tablet.
Key features:
? 2 desks on one screen
? Real disc physics
? Browse your mp3 by folder, artist, album, name with coverflow display
? Single editable playlist shared between the decks
? 3-Band Equalizer for each Deck
? 2 CUE points per deck (IN/OUT)
? Pre-Cueing with headphones
? Live record your mixes
? Share your mixes on SoundCloud
? 2 Included skins
? Live waveform views with 3 zoom levels
? 16 channels customizable sampler
? Auto-mix feature
? Multi-touch since 3.0
? Enhanced for the Sony dual screen Tablet
Recent changes:
Holo only for large screens
Disc artwork fix
Stability improvements
Write IDv3 BPM Tag


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